We are delighted to honour the 2024 awardees at this EMS Annual Meeting. All our awardees will present their work during the event in Barcelona. The awards will be handed over in three sessions:

The Closing reception on Friday, 06 Sep, 17:30 in the Vestíbul will include the announcement of the winner of this year's outstanding poster award.

EMS Young Scientist Conference Awards (YSCA)

  • Hui-Wen Lai: Poster presentation | OSA1.5 | Thu, 5 Sep, 18:00–19:30 | Poster area 'Galaria Paranimf' | GP8
    Investigating the Diurnal Cycle of Summer Precipitation over Mainland Southeast Asia: Insights from Dynamic downscaling Simulations
  • Agostino N Meroni: Poster presentation | UP1.1 | Thu 07 Sep, 11:00–11:15 | Poster area 'Vestíbul' | VB7
    Impacts of the changing summer thermal land-sea contrast on the northern hemisphere planetary circulation
  • Stephy Libera: Oral presentation | UP2.6 | Mon, 02 Sep, 15:30–15:45 | Room A-112
    Evaluation of Mesoscale Eddy-Ice interaction in the Southern Ocean using High-Resolution models
  • Arianna Valmassoi: Oral presentation | UP3.6 | Thu, 05 Sep, 09:05–09:20 | Room A111
    Towards a new generation of regional reanalyses for Europe
  • Giandomenico Vurro: Oral presentation | UP2.1 | Tue, 03 Sep, 15:00–15:15 | Room 203
    Quantifying the impact of extreme heat and adaptation strategies on urban air conditioning use and energy consumption in Nicosia, Cyprus

Tromp Foundation Travel Award to Young Scientists (TFTAYS)

The Tromp Foundation established the Tromp Foundation Travel Award to Young Scientists (TFTAYS) in 2016, with the aim to support scientists who present papers in the area of biometeorology at EMS Annual Meetings. For more details see https://www.emetsoc.org/awards/award-category/tromp-awards/tromp-travel-tftays/.

  • Csilla Vincze: Oral presentation | OSA2.2 | Thu, 05 Sep, 10:15–10:30 | Room A-112
    Field-level analysis of phenological cycles and dynamics of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and oil seed rape (Brassica napus L.) flowering within various regions of Hungary
  • Fragkeskos Kekkou: Oral presentation | OSA2.5 | Mon, 02 Sep, 14:00–14:15 | Room A111
    Temperature Extremes and Human Health in Cyprus: Investigating the Impact of Heat and Cold Waves
  • Zhikai Peng: Oral presentation | OSA2.5 | Mon, 02 Sep, 09:15–09:30 | Room A111
    Exploring Tree Shade: Cooling Effects and Skin Temperature Recovery in Urban Environments
  • Pablo Ortiz-Corral: Oral presentation | UP2.1 | Thu, 05 Sep, 16:15–16:30 | Room 203
    Valley Breezes within a valley in Pyrenees: Vertical and Horizontal structure and its Evolution Over the Annual Cycle Through Observations
  • Matej Žgela: Oral presentation | UP1.2 | Wed, 04 Sep, 14:00–14:15 | Room 203
    A geospatial approach for heat risk estimation by integrating remotely sensed and ground-based data in Milan, Italy
  • Beatriz Sanchez: Oral presentation | UP2.1 | Tue, 03 Sep, 14:00–14:15| Room 203
    Past and future changes in the spatiotemporal distribution of heat stress in Madrid

EMS Tromp Award for an outstanding achievement in biometeorology

Christos Giannaros receives the EMS Tromp Award for an outstanding achievement in biometeorology 2024. Christos Giannaros is currently a postdoctoral researcher, HEAT-ALARM project Principal Investigator and Coordinator at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He is awarded for the publication "Hourly values of an advanced human-biometeorological index for diverse populations from 1991 to 2020 in Greece"(*) (2024) 11:76. For more details see https://www.emetsoc.org/ems-tromp-award-for-an-achievement-in-biometeorology-2024-to-christos-giannaros/.

The EMS Tromp Award Lecture will be given on Monday, 02 Sep, 15:15–15:30 | Room A111 (Aula Joan Maragall), in session OSA2.5: Human biometeorology: Hourly values of an advanced human-biometeorological index for diverse populations from 1991 to 2020: Replicability and exploitability aspects.

Outstanding poster award 2023

Theodoros Economou from Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C), The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus won the Outstanding Poster Award 2023 with a poster presenting the work by him and his colleagues: Daphne Parliari (Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece), Jonilda Kushta (also (CARE-C, Cyprus) and Jos Lelieveld (CARE-C, Cyprus and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany). Considering the compound effects of heat and air pollution on mortality, they took a novel approach to investigate a growing societal problem in this study. This poster also reflected the conference theme of "Europe and droughts: Hydrometeorological processes, forecasting and preparedness". For more information visit https://www.emetsoc.org/theodoros-economou-wins-ems2023-outstanding-poster-award/.

EMS Media Awards

EMS Outreach and Communication Award

The EMS Outreach and Communication Award 2024 is presented to the project Enabling community leaders to communicate about climate change, a joint initiative of the Royal Meteorological Society and the British Antarctic Survey. The project is honoured for an innovative engagement approach to build an understanding of climate change within local communities, empowering people to engage with messages from politicians and the media to make informed decisions, thus enhancing the impact of science.

EMS Journalistic Award

The recipient of the EMS Journalistic Award 2024 is Emanuele Bompan, an Italian environmental journalist and geographer. He is honoured for acting as an important communicator to build bridges between public and science as well as investigating climate change policy making.

The work of Emanuele Bompan is highly relevant and addresses important topics concerning climate change: Climate change and biodiversity, double roles connected to climate negotiations, and how indigenous people's rights have been pushed aside. Read more about Emanuele Bompan's work at https://www.emetsoc.org/ems-journalistic-award-2024-emanuele-bompan/.

EMS Communicating Weather & Climate Award

The first recipient of the new EMS Communicating Weather and Climate Award is Tomàs Molina of TV3 Catalunya, MeteoCat and the University of Barcelona. There are not many weather broadcasters to whom the term "legendary" can be added, but Tomàs Molina is definitely within this category. Tomàs has always been energetic in pushing out the boundaries of what a broadcast meteorologist can achieve. Aside from presenting the routine weather broadcasts on TV3 Catalunya he has presented a series of documentary programmes on weather-related themes, and has also published several meteorology-themed books in Catalan, for both children and adults, which have helped to popularise and inform the people of Catalunya on weather and climate change topics. Indeed he has been very vocal on climate change issues, joining the Board of the European Climate Broadcasters Network established under the European Commission and serving as a European Climate Pact ambassador. Find out more about Tomàs Molina's work and achievements at https://www.emetsoc.org/ems-communicating-weather-and-climate-award-2024-tomas-molina/.

All three Media Awards will be presented during the Media and Communication Session ES2.1 on Wednesday, 04 Sep in Room Paranimf.

EMS Young Scientist Award

The recipient of the EMS Young Scientist Award 2024 is Bianca Mezzina, Italy, currently working at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium. She was nominated with the publication "Contributions of atmospheric forcing and ocean preconditioning in the 2016 Antarctic sea ice extent drop", Bianca Mezzina et al 2024 Environ. Res.: Climate 3 021002.

With her research, Bianca Mezzina continuously contributes to the physical understanding of key climate processes in the atmosphere and in the ocean, as well as their mutual interactions and impacts.

Bianca Mezzina will give the Award Lecture on her recent work entitled What was the contribution of the ocean to the 2016 Antarctic sea ice extent drop and was this event unprecedented? on Friday, 6 Sep, 11:00–11:15 | Room A112 | session UP2.4 Atmosphere-Ocean interactions: open-ocean and coastal processes.

EMS Technology Achievement Award

The European Meteorological Aircraft Derived Data Centre (EMADDC) receives the EMS Technology Achievement Award 2024. The EMADDC team has demonstrated that an opportunistic use of aircraft data can be turned into a well calibrated, rich source of upper air observations, and that, through international collaboration by EUMETNET, these can be provided as a valuable service to the aeronautical and meteorological communities. To read more about the project see https://www.emetsoc.org/ems-technology-achievement-award-2024-for-emaddc.

Jan Sondij, KNMI, will present EMADDC in the awards lecture "From research to operations: the EMADDC use case" in session OSA1.4 Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting (short, medium, extended range): traditional versus machine learning on Tue, 03 Sep, 11:00–11:30 in room A111 (Aula Joan Maragall).

EMS Silver Medal

Susan Grimmond, United Kingdom, will receive the EMS Silver Medal 2024 to recognize her exceptional scientific and academic career, marked by pioneering contributions to the field of urban meteorology, her leadership in the meteorological community, and the impact of her work in operations for weather and climate modelling. The Silver Medal ceremony, which includes a Silver Medal Lecture by the Laureate, takes place on Monday evening at the Awards Session: Mon, 04 Sep, 17:30–18:30 | Room Paranimf.

Silver Medal Lecture: "Urban weather and climate: contributions and challenges to achieving a climate-neutral Europe"

Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2024

Professor Aijun Ding of the School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, China, has been selected to receive the S. Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2024. Aijun Ding has made extraordinary contributions to the understanding of the aerosol-planetary boundary layer (PBL) interaction and its application in air pollution control, chemical weather forecast, and mitigation of climate extremes. Find out more about his work at https://www.emetsoc.org/s-zilitinkevich-award-2024-for-aijun-ding/. The Award ceremony will take place in session UP1.2 Atmospheric boundary-layer processes, turbulence and land-atmosphere interactions, on Wednesday 4 Sep, 16:00–16:30 | Room A111.